What are the California requirements
for sex education?
In 2015, California passed AB329, also known as the California Healthy Youth Act.
The Healthy Youth Act describes the standards all sex education programs in California must adhere to.
Basic requirements of the California Healthy Youth Act

​Comprehensive Sex Education:
Must be taught once in Junior High and once in High School
Must be unbiased
Must be delivered by trained instructors
Must be age-appropriate, medically accurate, and appropriate for students of all races, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, genders, sexual orientations, English learners, and who have disabilities
Must affirmatively recognize different sexual orientations and be inclusive of same-sex relationships
Must teach about gender, gender expression, gender identity, and negative gender stereotypes
Must encourage students to communicate with parents and trusted adults
Must provide students with knowledge and skills to develop healthy relationships and make healthy decisions about sexuality
All sexual health programs must include information about:
Nature & transmission of HIV and other STIs
FDA-approved methods of reducing the risk of transmitting HIV and STIs and pregnancy prevention
Reducing the risk of HIV as a result of needle use and needle sharing
Discussion of social views of HIV and AIDS
Students' legal right to access resources for sexual and reproductive healthcare, and assistance with sexual assault and intimate partner violence
Affirming that abstinence is the only 100% certain way of prevent unintended pregnancy, HIV, and STIs
Information about pregnancy & the importance of prenatal care
All legally available pregnancy outcomes including parenting, adoption, abortion, and newborn safe surrender
Information about sexual harassment, sexual assault, teen relationships abuse, intimate partner violence, and sex trafficking